Black Cake by Charmaine Wilkerson
There was a lot to love about this book. It was an emotional and intriguing story, and I loved the unravelling of Covey's life told via the recording she prepared for her daughter Benny and son Byron after her death. I particularly enjoyed the chapters relating to her younger years and her relationship with the sea and swimming.
It's a book about love and friendship and sibling relationships and many other things and at the essence of it all is the black cake.
Black Cake covers many issues, and as a result, some do not get enough airing, in my opinion. I'd like to read more about these important issues and enhance my understanding and knowledge. As Charmaine writes wonderfully and has interwoven these into her story, I wish she'd left some to explore more deeply in future books.
I'd happily read more by this author.
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