There are some interesting ideas in this book, although there's nothing in particular that I didn't already know. Naturally, each time someone writes about this subject, they put it in their style and with their particular spin on it. I enjoyed the way it was written, and there were some useful reminders. Basically, Adrienne explains the benefits of the power hour. That hour in the morning before everyone else is up when you can focus on something of particular importance to you, whether that's a run or a yoga session, writing journaling, reading etc.
I read this during the third UK lockdown in January 2021 and to be honest, that may be impacting my lack of engagement with this book. I read it hoping that it would stir up some motivation and get me going, but it's not had that effect. I'm sure other people may read it and get more positive and productive results. Unfortunately, the advice and guidance didn't suit me right now.
I understand that the author has a podcast too, so the book did encourage me to look these up and I may well dip into one or two of those to see if listening to others' experience has more impact.
The one interesting thing I did take away from the book, was that the author wrote it mostly during her power hour and so I congratulate her on her own motivation and staying power.
Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for enabling me to read a copy of this book. If you're interested in finding out more about the topic, the book is out now and can be found in all the usual places.
And just one final thought. Are you finding it tough to get motivated at the moment? If you have any strategies that you've found have helped you remain productive, I'd love to hear them in the comments. Please share. I think we're all doing whatever we need to, to keep going and get through and it would be interesting to hear your take on what's worked for you.
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