Quirky and Thought Provoking
Tales from the cafe before the coffee gets cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi is a charming book. This is book 2 in the series, and although I haven't read the first one, it didn't matter as you very quickly get to grips with the fact that if you visit a particular magical cafe in Tokyo, you can travel through time. There are specific rules that apply, one of which is you need to return before your coffee gets cold.
The book focusses on four separate stories of people who wish to transport themselves back and meet up with someone from their past, as well as giving an insight to those that run the cafe. The tales provide an explanation of why the journey is wanted, and although told simply, they resonate on a deep empathetic level.
The book is thought-provoking and offers up different perspectives relating to the human experience that stops you in your tracks and make you sit and ponder a while at the end of each saga.
Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for enabling me to read this book. It was a different read to my usual genre, but I enjoyed its philosophical tones. Oh, and it has a gorgeous cover too!
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