Please, please write the next one Mr Osman
When I first saw Richard Osman had written a crime novel, I must admit to being a bit - hmmm - another book by a celebrity. But I do like Mr Osman, and as he is an erudite speaker, I thought I'd give it a read. Well, I take back everything I may have presumed as this is a gorgeous book. When reading it, I could almost hear the author's voice speaking to me, and his sense of humour shone through.
The book is set in a retirement community - not your typical crime setting. All the main characters are totally loveable and the sort of people you'd like to invite to your house for tea, a scone and a chat. They have set up something called the Thursday murder club, to try and solve unresolved murders from the past. That is until a murder takes place in their own community and then within their own grounds.
I don't want to give away the plot so won't tell you anymore. It is charming, adorable, and has some moments of absolute tenderness that are entirely unexpected. I loved every minute of it and was saddened when it came to an end. I hope that Mr Osman will write another in this series as I'd love to dally with these characters again.
My appetite for crime novels during the current situation has certainly dropped off, especially those that are more gruesome. This is not one of those books. I highly recommend it—5 stars, in my opinion.
I'd like to thank the author, publisher and NetGalley for letting me have an early copy. It's due out on September 3rd so you don't have to wait too long until you can get your hands on it.
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