What A Dilemma!!
I was watching 'Arrival' starring Amy Adams the other night for about the fourth or fifth time. I'm not generally one for watching movies over and over, but this one is an exception. If you've not seen it I urge you to do so although please make sure you have some tissues to hand because it always ends up in a complete blub fest for me.
At base level, this is a science fiction film and involves alien life form arriving on Earth. But it's so much more than that. As I said go watch it, but don't blame me for the emotional fallout.
Let's get back to the aliens. They've landed around the world but we are focussed on the spaceship that has arrived in the US. However, no-one knows why they're here or how to communicate with them, so what's needed is an expert in that area to try and figure it out. Yep, all sounds fine and dandy.

Obviously, he's never been to our house before a trip.
I'm referring to the notebook and pen dilemma! If you're a writer you'll no doubt identify.
And here's what generally happens in my head before I go:
- It's a short trip, so a small handbag notebook should suffice for making notes of ideas, lists etc while out and about
- But then again, we will be back at the room later in the day so perhaps another notebook also needs to come in case of more complex tasks
- Should it be the one with the notes from my novel?
- Or should I take a one as yet untouched - fresh pages to write on, possibly inspired by where I am going to be?
- But what if I do want to work on the novel, then I won't have my notes with me!
- Where am I likely to take it during the trip?
- A5 or A4?
- What's going to work best?
- Lined? Dots? Blank?
- And finally - ahh, that one hasn't been out for a long time. I bet she'd really enjoy it!
It goes on and on and I've not even had the pen or pencil internal debate yet for that can only be considered once the notebook decision has been made.
And here we go again...
- What pen works most smoothly with that paper?
- Fountain pen, biro or gel?
- What colour ink inspires?
- Do I want to write fast and furious or slow things down?
- Perhaps I need both?
What do you mean, it's just a pen? For goodness sake people, get with the programme. And let's not even debate pencils.
On occasion, there has been a selection of notebooks laid out on the table by the front door so I can make a snap decision before I leave. Other times ones that have been put in the bag are ousted and another choice made. This, of course, then has a bearing on the pen or pencil choice and that has to be thought through again.
I'm sure you understand. You do don't you? Or is it just me?
If anyone knows of a support group for this stuff, please get in touch.
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