My Muse

I'd like to introduce you to my muse. She is wearing a hooded long white cloak, touched with tiny particles of silver, like quivering fish scales. She is quiet, unobtrusive and gentle. It is the swoosh of the cloak around her graceful form and the way those silver threads catch the light that alerts me to her presence. She pushes down the hood on her cloak revealing a deep red satin lining and I get a closer look at her. Her dark hair flecked with grey is swept up softly on her head. Her face is lined. Lines of wisdom and experience. Lines caused in the main by happiness and smiles, yet pain too and knowledge of life. Her eyes sparkle. They sparkle with love, enthusiasm, encouragement and support. This is someone who loves me and wants to see me succeed.Yet she's no push over. She waits patiently, looks me in the eye and says: "ready when you are."


  1. Cool. I like you muse. She sounds like she means business. Fun to see a muse personified.

    1. Despite trying to write about my muse yesterday, this post took me forever to write - it seems that my wisened muse was not around at 10.30 pm last night. I guess I need to check her schedule more closely next time :-)

  2. Muses can sometimes be our closest friends.

    1. I think I should be kinder to mine. I don't always listen and I don't always invite her to stay.

  3. I have never heard of the concept? Am I missing something? Beautifully written.

    1. Thanks Sharon. If you put something like connecting with your muse or creative muses into the Web, you'll find lots more material on the subject. Hope you're enjoying the challenge.

  4. your muse sounds wise and patient. lucky! (and wonderful description!)
    my muse is like a used car salesman in a plaid suit in shades of brown, buttoned up wrong, and a loosened, glaring, red tie - he's frantically pointing out all the great story ideas in the lot, tempting me to test drive them all... you inspired me! see?
    happy a to z-ing!

    1. Hi Tara - this really made me laugh and glad to be an inspiration. Have you test driven all his ideas yet?

  5. WHAT A GREAT MUSE! I want to clone her! #AtoZchallenge ☮Peace ☮ ღ ONE ℒℴνℯ ღ ☼ Light ☼ visiting from

    1. Thanks for your comment. Yes she is pretty great.


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