Journal Addiction

So I have a confession to make. It's not a terrible scandal and I hope it won't change how you feel about me - it might even bring us closer, especially those of you who share in my addiction. Ok, let's get it out there - I'm a journal addict!

I'm not sure what it is about them - perhaps it's about potential. They all have the potential to house and keep safe a short story, a piece of poetry of even perhaps my novel. I can scribble away and make the letters form words and the words form sentences and the sentences form paragraphs and so on and so on. I can keep extensive lists to keep me organised and in control as well as writing my goals for today, this month, this year. Views on life and my feelings and thoughts can be expressed and shared and it's just between me and the journal. The journal stays loyal and faithful. It doesn't discuss or gossip with friends in the coffee shop about the things it's heard. Not that my friends would necessarily want to recount the details anyway. I'd like to say the journal harbours grand secrets and illicit tales, yet they are mostly filled with the musings and ramblings of a 48, very soon to be 49 year old woman - it's not that exciting. Some journals are kept especially for such musings with the occasional story idea jotted down in haste, others are selected just for creative writing. Another may be a work journal, filled with lists of things to do, records from meetings and visits with clients. They all have a place and a role to fill - apart from the ones that are too beautiful to write in and they remain pure and untouched in my journal box - yes I know the addiction is strong. As they say the force is strong in this one. You don't believe me - here's a picture of my journal box!

I find them adorable - some are beautifully designed, some are fun, some have expandable pockets at the back to keep other bits of paper in - what joy! Ruled or blank and now I understand we can also experience dots - although I've not ventured into that territory yet myself.

The thought of Moleskine makes me mischievous
The thought of Leuchtturm make me licentious
The thought of Paperthinks make me downright passionate.

Who's with me on this one? I'm thinking of opening a new association for journal obsessives. One where we can share our love of the common and the elaborate, the ordinary and the elegant and explain why they bring such pleasure and delight into our lives.

Want to share your favourite and tell me why and if you've got pictures that would be even better.


  1. Haha. I never looked at it this way though I now suspect I can see my own journals in a whole new light. Now, about that Moleskin. I may become obsessed.

    1. I even bought another new one over the weekend. It's gorgeous - but then aren't they all in one way or another :-)

  2. If I see a shelf of designer journals, I'll step aside and let you in for first dibs. I know journaling is a good thing, but it requires too much discipline, something I lack.
    Visiting from A to Z~
    Wendy at Jollett Etc.

    1. Ha Ha Wendy, thanks for that kind offer to step aside. I've been journaling on and off over the years, but have come to it afresh this year and have been more disciplined, but you're right it can be tough to maintain the habit.

  3. I love looking at all the journals at the book stores etc. Some day I will get myself a lovely fancy soft leather bound one with hippie leather/suede ties to keep it closed. I don't know why those have always spoken to me :-) great post!

    1. Oh definitely do it. Those ones are obviously calling you. Thanks for dropping by and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.

  4. I have given in to the purchase of fancy journals but they always seem like they are calling for certain kinds of words. I love the coil binders and simpler best. I do have a favourite though. A friend of mine gave me a dancers journey on a conference stay within months of her dying of cancer. We had known she was nearing the end at the time we were there. It was a special memory of sharing that weekend, a memory that is held in that journal.

    1. Hi Linda, that's a very special journal and I'm sure close to your heart. Thanks for sharing. I know what you mean about some of the fancier ones - I do have some that I've felt are too nice to write in - crazy I know. It's like you say they are almost calling out for you to write perfectly - something that doesn't exist.

  5. My favorite ever journal was given to me by a good friend about ten years ago. It's called Colors, appropriately enough, since each page has lines of a particular color and shade. The reds flow into the oranges, which flow into yellows, and so on. Each color section has pages of varying shades, each one named suitably. I pick this journal when I have something special to write -- either good or bad -- and find an appropriate shade. Thus it is completely random, & I just date each page. I told my OCD daughter about this, for when I'm dead & gone, & she said, "Well, you know the first thing I'm going to do is rip out all the pages & put them in chronological order."

    1. Thanks for sharing your favourite journal with me Janet. It sounds delightful and the story about your daughter.

  6. I love journals too, and could collect them, however I can't read what I write very easily so almost all of my writing is done on the computer. Who can invent a digital journal? I want a book to hold and pages to turn, just don't want to use pen and paper. I'm your first customer for that one and I'll join the journal obsession club! Great post! Sharon at

    1. I'm not sure if you're tried Om Writer on the computer. It's such a beautiful programme. You can find it at

      Take a look and see what you think. Good luck with your writing journey.


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