In the world of writing, especially when you're starting off and new to everything, it can be easy to stay in your comfort zone. You know what I mean - we like to stay safe, keep ourselves in positions where we don't rock the boat or cause too much conflict -  because we wouldn't want that would we?

Let's face it, we've all undoubtedly read books and stories where the writer has taken this approach and often it's disappointing. I'm sure you know the sort of thing - the ending was kind of mwah or left you wondering how you might get the eight hours back you spent reading the book. You may even have felt let down - after all you committed to this and thought you were in a balanced relationship, only to find that actually the author wasn't as committed as you thought.

So I say, embrace your boldness - write about those things that make your heart soar but also those that make your heart bleed. Show your readers raw emotion, take them on your journey, make them walk in your shoes. Share laughter and pain, take them to new heights and drop them to the lowest ebb. Make them want to be part of the story. Make them believe.


Go on, give it a try.  You know you want to.


  1. Great Post!! I love it. Be Bold is a wonderful inspiration. Hello, Angela nice to meet you.

    1. Hi Cathrina, nice to meet you too and thanks for commenting on the post. Glad it was an inspiration.

  2. Be bold, not bland! I can't tell you how many times I've had one of those aha moments about a not-working scene that needed to go an entirely different direction--one I'd been scared to move toward. Every single time, the bold approach got me unstuck, and the story was stronger for it.

    Laurel's Leaves

    1. I know Laurel. Often it can feel like a place you don't really want to go, but when you go there, you usually know that you and your writing are stronger for it.

  3. Great post and amazing choice of B words. Cheers Rhondi - stopping by from YA GOTTA LAUGH ABOUT IT

  4. Hi Rhondi, thanks for stopping by and commenting. Glad you enjoyed the post. Are you doing the A to Z challenge. I'm hoping to catch up with some folk soon but got a busy couple of days ahead of me.

  5. What a great post. We should all be bold and not take the safest route if we want to stand out.

    1. Yes, I agree, although it's not always as easy as it sounds. I know as I've succumbed to some pretty bland writing in the past.

  6. Such an excellent reminder and B word! (Your bio made me smile)

    1. Thanks Karen and glad I was able to make you smile.

  7. Great advice. Stepping out of your comfort zone is a great way to learn and grow.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks for commenting Jillian. I appreciate it.

  9. Love this and putting it into practice immediately!

    1. Hi Jess, I look forward to reading your bold writing.


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