Nano - Day Twenty One

Wednesday 21st November

My wordcount today 0
My total wordcount to date 7739
Target wordcount 35007
Shortfall from target 27268

I'm not sure quite why I'm posting my Nano updates on this Blog any more. After all it seems that this is just an opportunity for me to let you know just how far behind I am with the whole Nanowrimo thing. Perhaps this will be the last post (cue bugle) and so my aim to publish my Nano experience will go the same way as the writing itself.

But hey, let's not get too despondent about the whole thing. Let's review the positives which are:

  • I did complete Nanowrimo last year and was a "WINNER" and I have the certificate to prove it
  • My Nanowrimo novel is my base for my current novel
  • I have written over 7.5k words during the month of November to date which in itself could be classified as a success for me
  • I've learnt not to beat myself up over this stuff
  • It's been fun getting involved with some of the people I met last  year
See it's not all bad is it?  And today was great day with much to be thankful for. I can only describe my lunch at the Crown and Castle at Orford as a little piece of heaven on a plate, I've read books, drank coffee and relaxed in a warm cozy house while the rain beat down outsides. Oh and I've played around with the layout of this site and hope that you like it. Although of course I'm not sure if you're out there or if anyone is reading any of this nonsense I write as there's not been any comments. I'm quite friendly really so if you'd like to comment - I'd love to hear from you. And yes, I've created my own Avatar for the site. It seems that I've become Velma from Scooby Doo. It's probably the glasses that do it - although of course she was always known as being the brainy one that solved the crimes!


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